Floor Sanding

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Sanding machines

The sanding machine used for timber floor sanding is the most important tool of the entire job. A cheap hire machine will certainly not give the results you will achieve from a good quality, high power professional machine. Amber Floor Sanding services uses only the best brands of floor sanding machines such as Humble, Galaxy, Clarke and Frank. Our floor sanders take great care of their machines and know the ins and outs of them.

Types of floors

How a floor is sanded depends on the type timber and the type of floor. Every type of wood sands differently, some woods react to different lacquers in different ways. Even within species there are huge differences. Some pines are very sappy and clog up on the sand paper, others sand very easy. Our team are experts at timber floor sanding Brisbane.

Sandpaper and sanding

Generally we start with a rough grit, 36 or 40 grit. We always use Norton Durogrit sandpaper as this is the best quality and consistently superior sandpaper. This course sandpaper is designed to level the floor and remove the previous finish along with any dents and scratches. Leveling the floor involves sanding across the grain. Rough grit sanding is the toughest part of the job and should not be attempted by an amateur. Even for our professionals it is usually the most painful and sometimes a very substantial part of the job. The sandpaper continuously becomes clogged with paint, varnish, wax, oils, carpet glue or damaged by nails. This means that the effectiveness of the sandpaper can be reduced quickly. Rough grit sanding is usually done diagonally across the grain's direction. Sanding with the grain produces a smoother surface because it doesn't affect the microstructure of the wood the way sanding across the grain does. Sanding across the grain really tears the fibres of the wood and helps to remove the worn surface very quickly. This will get the floor flat and clean quickly.

Once we have sanded the floor diagonally with the rough grit, we then go over the whole area again with the same grit but going with the grain of the wood. We now start rough edging. We do this using a 6 or 7 inch disk sander. This machine is used for sanding the rest of the floor where the main belt sander cant reach; around the edges of the floor, in bay window areas or hallways. Disc sanders can easily gouge the floor so this is a task best left for professionals.

Once the floor has been sanded all over with a coarse grit of sand paper, we start moving up the grits. Next we sand the floor with a medium grit of 50 or 60 grit including edges. When this is complete we move onto 80 grit and 100 grit sanding in the same fashion. At this point we fill any holes. Then after we have completed the filling, we continue onto the next grit, usually 120 grit, and sand the areas and edges one final time.


After all sanding has been completed we thoroughly vacuum all surfaces that may hold dust and become agitated falling onto the floor while it is being polished.

Floor Sanding Gold Coast & Floor Sanding Australia

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